Feel the fear and tell your story

I’ve been helping people to create a Brand New Story for their organisation for nearly five years now. During this time I’ve started to notice a pattern. Not with everyone. But it’s there.

You see, certain organisations will put huge amounts of effort into creating their story, only to get stuck when it comes to telling it.

It happened again recently.

I noticed that one of my clients hadn't updated their web content. Now, this is something that can become as easy as a cut and paste job once you have your story.

The company founder had finally decided (after eight long years of procrastination) to get the heart and soul of her business down on paper and out into the open for both herself and the people she works with. So she worked with Rachel to create their Brand New Story and what a great story it is.

But when the time came for them to start telling it, things started getting a little uncomfortable.

She felt scared.

Of her own story.

And she's not alone.

In truth, you probably should feel a bit scared (and excited) when you step into and start telling your organisation's new story. Because it means you have an exciting and different story to tell. Once our client talked it through with Rachel and realised it there was no stopping her.

Yes, changing stories take courage. Just ask Greta, Malala and the #MeToo Movement.   

Brand New Story knows this. In fact, courage is one of our core values because of it. Because we've been there ourselves. It's also why we created our Tell Your Story service to support our clients in the first few months after they've created their story to support them in how they go about telling it.     

These times are crying out for new and exciting brand stories. As Mary Portas says: 'Power lies in two places. Business and politics. Right now the politicians are doing sod all. It's down to business to change society.' Doing that will require more businesses with powerful and genuine stories. Stories that are drenched in purpose and capable of forming the rallying cry we all need to turn ‘business as usual’ on its head. Stories that will help us to build a new economy based on the triple bottom line. People, planet and profit. Where the businesses who succeed do so because they 'get' that real power lies in being authentic and kind.

So if fear IS stopping you from creating an exciting new story for your organisation we want you to know that we're here for you every step of the way.

Yes, the world needs your story right now - and we'd love to help you find the courage to create and tell it. 


Goodbye broadcast, hello conversation


If not you, who? If not now, when?